Feature Comparison of MongoDB GUI tools (Dec 2024)

Here, we will track and examine the top 5 MongoDB GUI tools and compare their features and prices. The products on the list are listed alphabetically as follows: MongoDB Compassopen in new window, Navicat for MongoDBopen in new window, NoSQLBoosteropen in new window, NoSQLManageropen in new window and Studio 3Topen in new window.

It is important to say that the feature set we have listed is incomplete, and even if both products implement the same feature, their implementation and usability are very different. In short, if you plan to choose a MongoDB GUI product, I suggest you download and try it to make sure it meets your needs.

Feature Groups

Basic and Connection

Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
(on 2024-11-21)
(on 2024-11-12)
(on 2024-10-28)
(on 2024-10-24)
(on 2024-10-31)
Main Interface🖵 Screenshot ▪️🖵 Screenshot ▪️🖵 Screenshot ▪️🖵 Screenshot ▪️🖵 Screenshot ▪️
Operating systemWindows, Mac, LinuxWindows, Mac, LinuxWindows, Mac, LinuxWindowsWindows, Mac, Linux
MongoDB versions3.6+3.0+3.6+3.6+3.6+
MongoDB Shellbundled mongoshembedded mongo shellembedded mongoshembedded mongo shellbundled mongosh/mongo shell
Secure connection: SSH/SSLYesYesYesYesYes
Connection via ProxyYesNoNoNoYes
In-Use Encryption ConnectionYesNoYesNoNo
Readonly modeYesNoYesNoYes
Password authenticationYesYesYesYesYes
x.509 certificate authenticationYesYesYesYesYes
Kerberos and LDAP authenticationYesYesYesYesYes
AWS IAM authenticationYesYesYesYesYes

Management of MongoDB Objects

Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
Users and rolesYesYesYesYesYes

Data Presentation

Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
Tree, Table and JSON ViewYesYesYesYesYes
In-Place Editing (Table and Tree Views)YesYesYesYesYes
Ability to edit results of db.collection.find()NoNoYesYesYes
Ability to edit results of db.collection.aggregate()NoNoYesNoNo
Text, Binary viewer/editorNoYesYesYesYes
Image viewerNoYesYesNoNo
Geo JSON ViewerNoNoYesNoNo
Filtering and sorting of query resultsYesYesYesYesYes
Grouping and projection of query resultsNoNoYesNoNo

Script Processing

Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
Code editor for developersNoYesYesNoNo
Script debugging and breakpointsNoNoYesNoNo
Auto-Completion for MongoDB scriptNoYesYesNoYes
Code snippets and completionNoYesYesYesNo
On-the-fly error detectionNoYesYesNoNo
Query history and bookmarksYesYesYesYesYes
Query MongoDB with SQLNoNoYesYesYes
Fluent find/aggregate APINoNoYesNoNo
Using Node/NPM modules in the scriptNoNoYesNoNo
Visual find builderYesYesYesYesYes
Visual aggregate BuilderYesYesNoNoYes
Visual Explain (query performance)YesYesYesNoYes
Export query to specific languageYesNoYesNoYes

Monitoring Tools

Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
Real-Time server performance monitorYesNoYesYesYes
Mongo top (track read and write)YesNoYesYesNo
View/Kill in-progress operationsNoYesYesYesYes
Database ProfilerNoYesYesYesYes
Log viewer: parse MongoDB log file into JSONNoNoYesNoNo
Watch for Changes (MongoDB change stream)NoNoYesNoNo
Server/Replica/Sharding StatusNoNoYesYesYes

Import/Export and Advanced Data Manipulations

Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
Export data to plain text file formats: JSON, CSVYesYesYesYesYes
Export data to MS ExcelNoYesYesYesYes
Export to SQL fileNoNoYesNoYes
Import data from JSON and CSVYesYesYesYesYes
Migrate from SQL to MongoDBNoYesYesYesYes
Migrate from MongoDB to SQLNoYesNoNoYes
Backup/restore - mongodump/mongorestoreYesYesYesYesYes
Copy/paste collections across servers/databasesNoYesYesYesYes
Copy/paste databases across serversNoYesYesYesYes
Fake Data GeneratorNoYesYesNoNo

Schema Analysis, Design and Optimization

Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
Schema ExplorerYesYesYesYesYes
Schema DocumentationYesNoYesNoYes
Data Compare & SyncNoYesNoNoYes
Reschema (schema optimization)NoNoYesNoYes
Schema ValidatorYesYesYesYesYes


Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
Tasks (import/export, dump/restore, execute script)NoYesYesNoYes
Task ScheduleNoYesYesNoYes
Email notifications for tasksNoYesYesNoNo
Command line interface for tasksNoYesYesNoNo

Other Useful Features

Compass Navicat NoSQLBooster NoSQLManager Studio 3T
Auto updateYesYesYesYesYes
Dark themeYesYesYesYesYes
Multi-Language supportNoYesNoNoNo
Customize keyboard shortcutsNoNoYesNoYes
AI HelperNoNoNoNoYes
BI toolNoYesNoNoNo
Modeling toolNoYesNoNoNo
Save/restore sessionNoNoYesNoYes
In-App tutorialsNoNoYesNoNo

Why are there no "XXXX" products on this list?

Well, there are a lot of GUI tools for mongoDB, and those on our list need to have the following requirements.

  • Must be a GUI specifically for MongoDB. MongoDB is a document database, which is very different from a relational database. Many products aimed at relational databases only regard mongoDB as another database compatible with ODBC or JDBC, which is not applicable.
  • Must be active maintenance products, those that have been officially abandoned or have not been updated for more than a year are not listed here.
  • Must be a downloadable application, which excludes all SaaS products.
  • Must be a stable release with official version number greater than 1. 0, not beta or alpha
  • Must have a feature set that meets the pass line, which can be referred to the product with the least features on our list.


Last Updated:
Contributors: KuaiZiWa, qinghai